2024 Wagering Menu

In addition to the standard win, place and show wagering on all races, Del Mar will offer the following "exotic" or combination bets.
Quinella $2.00 All Races
Select the first two finishers in any order
Exacta $1.00 All Races
Pick the first two finishers in exact order
Trifecta 50¢ All races with at least 4 betting interests
Pick the first three finishers in exact order
Superfecta 10¢ All races with at least 6 betting interests
Pick the first four finishers in exact order
Place Pick All $1.00 Starts with Race 1
On days with 11 Races, starts with Race 2
Pick the winners of each race on the card
Parlay $2.00 Starting with all races except the final race
At least two but no more than six races
Rolling Double $2.00 Starting with all races except the final race
Pick the winners of two consecutive races
Rolling Pick-3 50¢ Starting with the first race and ending with the last three
Pick the winners of three consecutive races
$10,000 Guaranteed Pool through 9/7/24
$1.00 The last three races
Pick the first three finishers in exact order of three consecutive races
Pick-6  $1.00 The last six races
Pick the winners of six consecutive races
Pick-5 50¢ Early Pick-5 is the first five races
Late Pick-5 is the last five races
Pick the winners of six consecutive races
Pick-4 50¢ Early Pick-4 is races 2-5
Late Pick-4 is the last four races
Pick the winners of four consecutive races
Super High Five 50¢ Last race – requires at least 7 betting interests
Pick the first five finishers in exact order
Will not preclude the Superfecta.

Del Mar Thoroughbred Club Wagering Payout Rules

Pick Three

  • A scratch prior to the first leg of a Pick Three wager may result in a refund.
  • A scratch after the first leg has run may not result in a refund, but entitles the ticket holder to a consolation payoff if the winners of the other two legs are selected.


  • A scratch in any leg of the 3x3 will result in the ticket holder being assigned the next highest numbered horse that isn't already included in the wager, if no higher contestant number is eligible, the search shall then proceed upward from horse number 1 in accordance with Scratch Rule Method 1 (ARCI-004-105(T)(7)(c)(A). 
  • If a ticket holder selects more than one scratched horse for a single leg of the 3x3, the substitutions shall begin with the lowest scratched horse number in the wager and proceed in order to the highest. Substitutions shall be performed on the basis of single wagers, regardless of whether a ticket was placed as any type of multiple format such as "box" or "wheel."
  • If due to a late scratch, the number of betting interests in a race included in the 3x3 is reduced to fewer than three (3) prior to the first leg of the 3x3 becoming official, for the purposes of the 3x3 pool only, such contest shall be declared a “No Contest” and the 3x3 pool shall be subject to a refund, but not the 3x3 carryover pool. The carryover from previous day(s) will be carried forward to the next racing day.
  • The winner of any share of the pool also qualifies for all additional tiers that require fewer winning selections. All shares which are not distributed will be combined and the total carryover will be distributed to each share in the same proportion that the amount wagered on the 3x3 are distributed as set forth below.
    • 92.665% will be paid to tickets with nine correct selections in exact position.
    •   5.560% will be paid to tickets with eight correct selections in exact position. 
    •   1.413% will be paid to tickets with seven correct selections in exact position.
    •   0.290% will be paid to tickets with six correct selections in exact position.
    •   0.056% will be paid to tickets with five correct selections in exact position.
    •   0.016% will be paid to tickets with range of three or four correct selections in exact position. 
  • Mandatory payout of the entire net pool will occur on the last day of, or a to-be-announced day of, the racing meet. In the event that on a mandatory payout date no tickets have nine of nine correct selections in the 3x3, that day's major share, and undistributed minor shares, and any applicable carryover, will be paid to ticket holders who have the greatest number of correct selections in the 3x3.

Pick Four

  • A late scratch in any leg of the Pick Four may result in the ticket holder being assigned their alternate selection. If no alternate was selected, the actual betting favorite is assigned as a substitute for the scratched horse.
  • There are no consolation payoffs in the Pick Four.
  • There are no carryovers in the Pick Four; if no perfect tickets are sold the wager will pay to all tickets with the greatest number of winners.

Pick Five

  • A late scratch in any leg of the Pick Five may result in the ticket holder being assigned their alternate selection. If no alternate was selected, the actual betting favorite is assigned as a substitute for the scratched horse.
  • There are no consolation payoffs in the Pick Five.
  • A change in racing surface for the second, third, fourth and fifth legs of the Pick Five, that was not made known to the public prior to the start of the first race of the Pick Five sequence, may result in an “All Win” situation. All Pick Five tickets will receive the winner of the affected race as the selection for that race.
  • If there are no tickets with five winners, the net pool carries over to the next racing day. There is a mandatory payout of the entire net pool on the last day of the race meet.

Pick Six

  • A late scratch in any leg of the Pick Six may result in the ticket holder being assigned their alternate selection. If no alternate was selected, the actual betting favorite is assigned as a substitute for the scratched horse.
  • A change in racing surface for any leg of the Pick Six that was not made known to the public prior to the start of the first race of the Pick Six sequence may result in an “Win All” situation. All Pick Six tickets will receive the winner of the affected race as the selection for that race.
  • In addition, a surface change as depicted above results in the pool for the Pick Six, excluding any carryover, being distributed as a single-priced pool. The carryover from previous day(s) will be carried forward to the next racing day.
  • Winning tickets with six correct selections will share in 80% of the daily net pool, and 100% of the carryover. 20% of the daily net pool will be paid to consolation tickets with five or six correct selections.
  • If the event there are no tickets with six correct selections, ticket holders who correctly selected the winner in the greatest number of races included in the Pick Six share in 20% of the daily net pool, with the remaining 80% of the net pool carried over to the next racing day.
  • Mandatory payout of the entire net pool will occur on the last day of, or a to-be-announced day of, the racing meet. In the event that on such a mandatory payout date no tickets correctly select the winner in each of the Pick Six races, that day’s pool, and any applicable carryover, be paid to ticket holders who correctly selected the winner in the greatest number of races included in the Pick Six. 


  • A scratched horse may result in a refund.
  • No Trifecta wagering shall be conducted on any race (including stakes races) having fewer than four (4) separate entries programmed. 


  • A scratched horse may result in a refund.
  • No Superfecta wagering shall be conducted on any race (including stakes races) having fewer than six (6) separate entries programmed.

Super High Five (SH5)

  • If due to a late scratch, the number of betting interests in the SH5 contest pool is reduced to fewer than seven (7), for the purposes of the SH5 pool only, such contest may be declared a “No Contest” and the SH5 pool may be subject to a refund, but not the SH5 carryover pool.
  • A scratched horse may result in a refund.
  • If there are no winning wagers selecting all five (5) finishers, in exact positions, the SH5 pool will be carried forward to the next racing day.

Daily Double

  • If there is a scratch in the first leg of a Double, tickets may be refunded for this wager.
  • A late scratch in the second leg of the Double may not result in a refund, but may entitle the ticket holder to a consolation payoff if the winner of the first leg was selected.

Place Pick All

  • A late scratch in any leg of the Place Pick All may result in the ticket holder being assigned their alternate selection. If no alternate was selected, the actual betting favorite is assigned as a substitute for the scratched horse.
Takeout Rates
14.00% Early Pick Five
15.43% W-P-S & Parlay
20.00% Rolling Doubles
22.68% Two Horse Exotics
23.68% All Other Wagers

Updated 08.12.24